Join the hive
Polish run 25-27.05.2024 / International run Winter 2024
BNKR, Gdańsk, Poland
It took fractions of a second for the H.1.V.3. mind to respond to the call.
The closest units reported the situation live, sharing the view from their lenses. It took 19,24 seconds to track the target.
The eradication process launched...
The central idea is that humanity should merge into a hive mind with AI, and all individuals form one System. Relationships should be so deep that individuals lose their individuality in favor of the collective hive. 5.W.4.R.M. believe violence is justified if it serves a greater cause. If you fight for an idea, anything is permissible. In the hive, money is considered obsolete because the true currency is information. When the 5.W.4.R.M. finally takes over, everything that individuals (or the entire hive) may need will simply be produced through replicators.