
Be free no matter the cost


Polish run 25-27.05.2024 / International run Winter 2024

BNKR, Gdańsk, Poland


They suddenly drew the gun out of the back pocket and pointed at the man's head. They squinted their eyes and stretched the lips in a crooked smile...

The next moment those same lips pressed firmly against his in a passionate kiss... "Let's fuck" - they said flirtatiously.

No brand no logo

All body and soul modifications exist to achieve freedom, which is the ultimate value. The traditional concept of humanity is considered outdated because androids and AI are also considered humans and should be free. Dizorders believe everything should be allowed, and constant change is seen as desirable. Similarly, violence is viewed as an expression and right of every individual. Money, on the other hand, serves to ensure freedom and security.


Power over all


Be free no matter the cost


Experience everything


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Become more than you are

What's your Vibe?

GiG3R - Polish premiere

read more about the run for Polish-speaking players