
Become more than you are


Polish run 25-27.05.2024 / International run Winter 2024

BNKR, Gdańsk, Poland


"Neat" they complimented the Ripperdoc's work, while checking the transfer quota of the new port.

Pulsating pupils dilated unnaturally and the patient's head swung back.

Ripperdoc rubbed his hands with glee "what we have here..."

Become more than you are

DigiEvo aspire to achieve Ascension, which involves digitizing minds. They believe that human relationships hold them back and fail to bring satisfaction. If they desire a connection, they would rather program an android or a sex doll. In this vibe, violence is seen as a tool to achieve goals, much like a hammer, and should be used as needed. On the other hand, money is used to transform oneself and overcome limitations.


Power over all


Be free no matter the cost


Experience everything


Join the hive


Become more than you are

What's your Vibe?

GiG3R - Polish premiere

read more about the run for Polish-speaking players