
Experience everything


Polish run 25-27.05.2024 / International run Winter 2024

BNKR, Gdańsk, Poland


"Wanna try something new?" ze tossed a silver EpiPen in the air and caught it with zirs other hand.

Ze knew it was a rhetorical question when ze saw the blink in the girls' eyes.

"What do I get in return?"

Experience everything

Hedonizers believe that to be happy, it is worth modifying one's soul by altering memories and personality. They see relationships as alliances based on exchanging one thing for another, such as favors or influence. Having a strong network of influence is crucial. Violence is considered cool. Big guns, explosions, gangsta celebrities, and the glorification of violence are significant elements of this world. For hedonizers, money is meant to experience as much as possible. They are seekers of the most intense and unique sensations.


Power over all


Be free no matter the cost


Experience everything


Join the hive


Become more than you are

What's your Vibe?

GiG3R - Polish premiere

read more about the run for Polish-speaking players